Mans profils

Garantija un serviss

Visām precēm, kuras SIA M79 iegādājas patērētājs, tiek nodrošināta vismaz 2 gadu garantija, ja ražotājs nav noteicis garāku garantijas termiņu. Pretenzijas par SIA M79 iegādāto preču neatbilstību līguma noteikumiem tiek pieņemtas 2 gadu laikā no pirkuma datuma vai ražotāja noteiktā garantijas termiņā. Pretenziju pieteikšanas termiņš attiecas tikai uz pašu preci, bet ne uz tās izejmateriāliem, piem., datoru, mobilo telefonu akumulatoru baterijām, printera toneriem u.c. izejmateriāliem, kas pakļauti sadilumam.

SIA M79 komplektētajiem personālajiem datoriem garantijas remontu veic tikai uzņēmuma servisa centrā, kas atrodas Rīgā, Rēzeknes ielā 5A. Katram datoram līdzi tiek piešķirts garantijas talons, kurā norādīts individuāls garantijas termiņš katrai detaļai. Pirms datortehnikas nogādāšanas servisa centrā, atcerieties veikt datortehnikas tīrīšanu no putekļiem. Ja tehnikas īpašnieks to nav veicis, tad SIA M79 tehniķi to veic atbilstoši SIA M79 noteiktajam servisa pakalpojumu cenrādim pirms tehnikas tālākās apskates. Neaizmirstiet veikt datu rezerves kopiju izveidošanu, kas pasargās no to zaudēšanas, gadījumos, ja testēšanas nolūkos būs nepieciešama cietā diska dzēšana.

Pārējās SIA M79 iegādātās preces, kurām Jūs konstatējiet neatbilstību, lūdzam tās kopā ar pirkumu un garantiju apliecinošiem dokumentiem, nogādāt SIA M79 servisa centrā - Rīgā, Rēzeknes ielā 5A, vai arī uz ražotāja oficiālajā servisa centrā. Lai ietaupītu savu laiku un paātrinātu procesu, daudz izdevīgāk ir preci ar ražotāja defektu vest uzreiz uz ražotāja noteiktajiem servisi_m79.pdf

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

DualCut tehnoloģija maksimālai precizitātei ar 2x vairāk asmeņiem

DualCut tehnoloģija ar 2 papildu asmeņiem nodrošina maksimālu precizitāti. Tērauda asmeņi viegli saskaras — darbības laikā viens otru uzasinot. Asmeņi pēc 4 gadiem būs tikpat asi kā pirmajā lietošanas dienā.

Izveidojiet vēlamo sejas, matu un ķermeņa apmatojuma stilu un griezumu, izmantojot 11 piederumus

Šis universālais trimmeris viegli apgriež un ieviedo sejas apmatojumu, matus un ķermeņa matiņus.

Metālisks trimmeris precīzi apgriež bārdu, matus un ķermeņa matiņus

Izmantojiet metālisko trimmeri ar DualCut tehnoloģiju bez ķemmes, lai iegūtu tīras, asas līnijas ap bārdu, kaklu un matiem, vai arī apgrieziet ķermeņa apmatojumu līdz nelielam garumam.


LED TVs are less expensive than OLED TVs, though OLED prices are coming down.


LED TVs are backlit, which means a light shines through a panel of crystals to create the picture. OLED TVs are not backlit. Instead, every single pixel in an OLED 4K TV (and we’re talking 8,847,360 pixels in all) turns on and off and adjusts on its own. The result = picture that is far superior and more lifelike.


LEDs and OLEDs both work well in all lighting conditions. LEDs are especially good in well-lit spaces and can be made even brighter for sunny Florida rooms. OLED is spectacular in dimmer rooms.


Given LED TVs cannot go completely dark, shadow detail suffers. With OLED, colors pop, black is true black (which is huge), and contrast and shadow detail are true to life.

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

Opcija kartiņas

100% garantija
visām precēm
What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED?
100% garantija
visām precēm
What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED?
100% garantija
visām precēm
What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED?
100% garantija
visām precēm
What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED?

A key point to consider if you decide to buy an LCD TV is how the LCD panel is lit, since this can have a big impact on the contrast the screen is capable of.

Some use lights mounted on the edge of the screen firing across it (aka edge-lit panels), while some use lights mounted directly behind the screen. Generally speaking, TVs with lights behind the screen deliver better contrast than edge-lit models. But these models don’t generally feature such slim designs, tend to cost more, and often use more power.

One final option to consider with LCD TVs is local dimming. This sophisticated feature allows a TV to output different amounts of light from different sections of its edge or direct lighting arrays, and can dramatically improve contrast.

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

Preču kategorijas un listes

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.


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SIA "M79" izmanto sīkdatnesSIA "M79" izmanto sīkdatnesSIA "M79" izmanto sīkdatnes89 minūtes

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

Pirmais aizvērtais akordeons

Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.

Otrais atvērtais akordeons

Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.

Preču piegāde tiek nodrošināta: daudzdzīvokļu mājās - tikai līdz kāpņutelpai, privātmājās - līdz mājas ārdurvīm. Rīgas pilsētas robežās, iepriekš vienojoties par papildus samaksu, ir iespējama uznešana uz dzīvokli vai ienešana mājā.

Teritorijās ar speciālām iebraukšanas atļaujām, liela izmēra un svara preces, kuras ir iespējams transportēt tikai ar auto, M79 piegādā tikai līdz šīs teritorijas robežai. Par šādu preču piegādi vēlams sazināties iepriekš.

Piegādes cena var mainīties atkarībā no produktu gabarītiem. M79 pārstāvis informēs Jūs par precīzām piegādes izmaksām pasūtījuma apstrādes procesā.

Pasūtījumi aktīvi M79 veikalā tiek turēti 3 darba dienas.

  1. Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.
  2. Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.
  3. Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.
  4. Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.
Trešais aizvērtais akordeons

Preču piegādi M79 realizē, izmantojot savu kurjerdienestu vai partneru loģistikas pakalpojumus.

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